Patch 3696
Date: May 26th 2018
There are four main portions to this balance patch. First is the nerf to direct fire T3 Land units.
Second is the rebalance of ACU combat upgrades. Third is the increase in Experimental Unit build times and fourth is an
overcharge rework. A T3 land rebalance has been promised for a very long time so we are very happy to finally be at the beta stage
for this important development in Forged Alliance. The aim is to allow a larger window on a large number of maps
for the T2 land stage. It is potentially one of the most interesting stages of the game, with many different unit
compositions and matchups coming into play, but for a long time it has been a very short stage of gameplay
because of the effectiveness of T3 land and the effectiveness of commanders.
The balance team found it necessary to introduce combat ACU upgrade changes, an overcharge rework and Experimental build time increases
with the T3 land rebalance. Combat ACU upgrades have been shown to be very strong recently, becoming a staple of teamgames. Some of these
upgrades are too dominant and with the T3 land changes, some nerfs are required to prevent the ACU from being too powerful.
With the delays this patch has faced, other smaller issues have been admitted into this patch as they were deemed important. The most
notable of these are the addition of a delay to teleport, a nerf of shield boats and several other changes listed below.
- The Balance Team
Removed the Power drain from the stealth/cloak ability while not moving.
- FiringRandomnessWhileMoving:
0.30.1 - MuzzleVelocity:
T1 Mobile Anti Air
T1 MAA gets a small damage reduction and mass cost reduction so it doesn't cost more than tanks anymore. Sera MAA is fixed so that is does its intended damage.
- Mass Cost:
5550 - Damage:
108 - Mass Cost:
5550 - Damage:
1614 - Mass Cost:
5550 - Damage:
- Mass Cost:
5550 - Damage:
Fire Beetle:
Fire beetles are getting a much needed rebalance to encourage their use within armies.
- Damage:
35001500 - AoE:
4.56 - Transport class:
21 - Stun ability added. Duration 2s. Stuns all units except Experimentals
- Friendly Fire Disabled
- Health:
The Harbinger rebalance puts more focus on the shield. The shield accounts for more of the total hp will regen and recharge much more quickly than before. This emphasizes the micro capabilities of the Harb, allowing for more hit and run combat tactics.
- BuildTime:
45003600 - Health:
46003050 - Speed:
32.85 - Acceleration:
33.2 - Turn Rate:
120130 - Shield
- Shield Health:
13001000 - Shield Regen Rate:
930 - Shield Recharge Time:
6340 - ShieldRegenStartTime:
32 - Power Drain:
2530 - Weapon
- Damage:
300320 - Rate of Fire:
1.251 - Range:
2826 - DPS:
375320 - Muzzle Velocity:
More emphasis is put on the longer range high alpha damage weapon of the Othuum and its target priorities have been fixed to be in line with other T3 tanks.
- Health:
67005000 - Acceleration:
2.63.5 - SizeY:
0.450.65 - SizeZ:
2.02.3 - First 2 Guns
- Damage:
7539 - Muzzle Velocity:
3540 - Turret Yaw Speed:
90120 - Combined DPS:
300156 - 3rd Gun:
- Damage:
400525 - Range:
3228 - Muzzle Velocity:
3040 - DPS:
100131 - Torpedo Weapon:
- Range:
3228 - Target Priorities:
- Othuum now priorities T3 over T2 over T1 instead of the reverse.
The Percival now has the longest range of the T3 tanks and bots so kiting is now very important, even against Bricks. A turret yaw speed increase and slight muzzle velocity increase enables better micro capabilities.
- Health:
93007200 - BuildTime:
60004800 - Speed:
22.1 - Acceleration:
2.1 - TurnRate:
6070 - Weapon
- Damage:
16001670 - Rate of Fire:
0.250.2 - Range:
3534 - Muzzle Velocity:
3538 - Turret Yaw Speed:
6090 - DPS:
The brick now has slightly less range than a Percy but gains speed, turn rate and muzzle velocity to allow for better micro.
- Health:
90007500 - BuildTime:
60004800 - Speed:
22.3 - Acceleration:
22.3 - TurnRate:
6065 - Main Weapon:
- Damage:
150125 - Range:
3532 - MuzzleVelocity:
3542 - Turret Yaw Speed:
6090 - DPS:
The titan has a smaller health shield but this regens very quickly, sometimes even during the course of a battle if you can keep them alive. It's target priorities are also fixed as with the Othuum.
- Health:
22002550 - Speed:
43.8 - Acceleration:
44.2 - Shield
- Shield:
1200600 - Recharge Time:
6015 - Regen Rate:
920 - Range:
2022 - Muzzle Velocity:
3035 - Turn rate:
150120 - Target Priorities:
- Titan now priorities T3 over T2 over T1 instead of the reverse.
The Loyalist gets a small nerf to many stats, and its stun will no longer affect Experimentals and ACUs.
- Health:
31003000 - Speed:
43.8 - Acceleration:
44.2 - EMP explosion on death:
- Duration:
2s1.4s - Affected by Stun:
Mobile UnitsMobile Units - except for T4 and ACUs - 1st Weapon (Disintegrator Pulse Laser):
- Damage:
175150 - Range:
2520 - DPS:
175150 - 2nd Weapon (Heavy Electron Bolter):
- Damage:
1214 - Range:
2520 - Muzzle Velocity:
4035 - TurretYawSpeed:
90120 - DPS:
Sprite Striker:
The aeon sniper is better able to shoot while moving and has a higher rate of fire in exchange for less speed and a higher cost.
- Mass Cost:
640720 - Build Time:
36004000 - Health:
450500 - Speed:
32.85 - SizeX:
0.80.95 - SizeY:
1.151.35 - SizeZ:
0.60.8 - Weapon
- Firing Randomness while moving:
0.50.3 - Rate of Fire:
0.1420.15 - MuzzleVelocity:
12090 - TurretYawSpeed:
The sera sniper shoots more accurately while moving to avoid it wasting shots and it gets a cost increase and speed decrease.
- Mass Cost:
640800 - Energy Cost:
80008800 - Build Time:
36004300 - Health:
500700 - Speed:
32.5 - Acceleration:
32.5 - UniformScale:
0.080.095 - SizeX:
0.350.45 - SizeY:
1.21.55 - SizeZ:
0.70.9 - Default Fire Mode:
- Firing Randomness while moving:
0.250.4 - Rate of Fire:
0.20.25 - Firing Tolerance:
0.53 - Muzzle Velocity:
12080 - TurretYawSpeed:
9070 - Ranged Fire Mode:
- Firing Randomness while moving:
0.50.2 - Rate of Fire:
0.070.066 - TurretYawSpeed:
T3 Mobile Artillery:
- Build Time:
Build time is reduced for T3 mobile artillery.
Experimentals have had very low build times which often made thoughtless mass sinks. With the T3 land nerf Experimentals will be a stronger force on the battlefield so build time is increased to compensate for this and to make XPs less of a cheese weapon thrown up in very short periods of time with little build power.
- Build Time:
1575027500 - Mass Cost:
- Build Time:
1875060 625
- Build Time:
- Build Time:
- Build Time:
21 00047 500 - Shield Recharge Time:
160120 - Shield Regen Rate:
64100 - Power Upkeep cost:
- Build Time:
14 40020 500
- Build Time:
25 00030 000
- Power Cost:
343 750330 000 - Build Time:
20 62551500 - Claws:
- Fixed a bug with the claws by adding random EQ code.
- Rate of Fire:
- Build Time:
33 75050 625
- Build Time:
14 40028 000 - Muzzle Velocity:
- Build Time:
1875046 875 - Mass Cost:
25 00026 500 - Power Cost:
312 500330 000 - Weapons
- Phason Beam Generator Damage:
80006000 - Gatling Plasma Cannon Damage:
550610 - Heavy Sinn Unthe Cannon Damage:
12001850 - Flak Damage:
3946 - Flak Range:
- Build Time:
T1 Bombers:
- RandomBreakOffDistanceMult:
T2 Transports:
- Mass Cost:
300330 - Power Cost:
1200013200 - Speed:
- BombDropThreshold:
T3 Land HQs:
- Mass Cost:
4 9205 220 - Power Cost:
43 90047 400 - Build Time:
11 00012 100
- Health:
75006500 - Mass Cost:
1 8002 000 - Power Cost:
16 00017 600 - Build Time:
1 5002000
T3 Static Artillery:
T3 static arty now have the same range. Cybran gets an increased rate of fire in exchange for lower damage.
- UEF/Cybran/Seraphim/Aeon Range:
- Damage:
46003700 - Rate of Fire:
T3 Mass Fabricator:
Adjacency for T3 mass fabs was improved slightly too much in patch 3688 so we are reducing it now.
- Adjacency from storage:
4.1667%3% - Adjacency for SML:
Civilian Structures
Adjusted Civilian Building Mass values to make them more consistent. Civilian buildings will give 50-150 mass.
Cybran Shield
Added the ED4 Shield to the list of buildable structures and to the hotbuild keygroup for shields.
Aeon ACU
Personal Shield Generator
- BuildCostMass:
10001300 - BuildTime:
Heavy Personal Shield Generator
- BuildCostEnergy:
93750123750 - BuildCostMass:
15002300 - BuildTime:
17502450 - ShieldMaxHealth:
2900025000 - ShieldRegenRate:
- NewHealth:
Personal Shield
- BuildCostMass:
15002300 - ShieldMaxHealth:
2400019000 - ShieldRegenRate:
Bubble Shield
- BuildCostMass:
30003600 - BuildTime:
Seraphim ACU
Damage Upgrade
- AdditionalDamage:
750620 - BuildCostMass:
48005400 - BuildTime:
Nano Repair
- BuildCostEnergy:
4200056000 - BuildCostMass:
12001800 - BuildTime:
12001800 - NewHealth:
Nano Repair
- BuildCostMass:
45005800 - BuildTime: