Patch 3714

Date: May 3rd 2020

This patch primarily aims to improve the land balance between factions and between different unit choices at the T2 and T3 stages.
We wish you good luck and much fun playing with the new patch!

-- The Balance Team



The Aurora will now use the firing solution instead of its aim bone when targeting units. This should decrease the number of initial shots that miss.


The obsidian's damage and rate of fire are adjusted. This is a general improvement aimed at increasing their efficiency versus T1 units and reducing the downside of a missed shot.

  • Damage: 480 360
  • RateOfFire: 0.25 0.333


The pillar gets a slight range reduction to allow for more micro and kiting in some matchups, notably versus the rhino.

  • Range: 23 22


The rhino gets a range increase of one to differentiate the ranges of the main T2 tanks more greatly, allowing for more micro and kiting.

  • Mass Cost: 297 290
  • Build Time: 1320 1300
  • Range: 23 24
  • Vision Radius: 20 22


The Ilshavoh has improved micro capabilities thanks to an increase in turret turn speed. Vision radius is increased to reduce their reliance on selens and radars.

  • FiringTolerance: 1 3
  • TurretYawSpeed: 70 85
  • Vision Radius: 20 24


The riptide was the weakest T2 tank after the recent Blaze buff. It gets a substantial buff to bring it closer in strength to other T2 units.

  • Health: 1700 1800
  • Mass Cost: 360 320
  • Power Cost: 2000 1650
  • Build Time: 1600 1420


The blaze gets a small buff to its health and range to differentiate from other hover tanks.

  • Health: 1050 1100
  • Range: 23 24


The Yenzyne is given greater health and a faster fire rate with a decrease in speed to improve its effectiveness on land without over buffing it in the naval arena.

  • Health: 1300 1350
  • Speed: 4.3 4
  • RateOfFire: 0.25 0.3

Mobile Bomb

Fire beetles

Fire beetles are now cheaper, faster to build and have less health. Fire beetles are permanently cloaked, meaning they must be spotted using radar and cannot be spotted using a units vision.

  • Health: 500 350
  • Mass Cost: 250 190
  • Power Cost: 1500 1300
  • Build Time: 1000 700
  • Damage: 1500 1100
  • Fire beetles can now cloak.

T3 Light Assault Bots


Titans get a buff in range, and small health and shield buffs. Damage is reduced slightly to prevent over buffing.

  • Health: 2550 2600
  • Shield: 600 700
  • Damage: 50 45
  • Recharge Time: 15 12
  • Range: 22 24


The Loyalist gains damage and range at the expense of health. It also gains a new ability called "Charge." When activated, a ten second countdown begins and the Loyalist will self-destruct at the end of that countdown. After four seconds the Loyalist gains a x1.75 speed boost and its stun duration is doubled. The delay between pressing the charge button and gaining these advantages is to stop players from simply enabling the ability as any Loyalist is about to die. Once the charge starts after 4 seconds a timer appears over the head of the Loyalist. At the end of the countdown the loyalist will explode. The aim of the new ability is to accentuate the death weapon of the Loyalist and allow for new gameplay opportunities.

  • Health: 3000 2500
    EMP explosion on death:
  • Duration: 1.4s 1.5s
    2nd Weapon (Heavy Electron Bolter):
  • Damage: 14 28
  • Range: 20 24
    Charge ability:
  • Stun duration when charging: 3
  • Speed boost while charging: x1.75
  • SecondsBeforeChargeKicksIn = 4
  • SecondsBeforeExplosionWhenCharging = 6


Harbingers get a significant buff, gaining a small amount of range to allow for more micro possibilities while also gaining some health and a fast shield recharge speed. Their fire cycle is also adjusted.

  • Health: 3050 3600
  • Range: 26 27
  • Damage: 320 160
  • RateOfFire: 1 2
  • ShieldRechargeTime: 40 30


The Percival has its fire cycle adjusted to be less front loaded and its shots are slightly more dodgeable.

  • Damage: 1670 1450
  • Rate of Fire: 0.2 0.23
  • Muzzle Velocity: 38 36


The Brick's shots are more dodgeable.

  • MuzzleVelocity: 42 38


The Othuum is buffed with greater speed and damage. Health is reduced. The thau cannon has area of effect damage so that it can easily deal with tech 1 point defense.

  • Health: 5000 4700
  • Unit Size:
    • Speed: 2.6 2.75
    • SizeY: 0.45 0.65
    • SizeZ: 2.0 2.3
  • First 2 Guns:
    • Damage: 46 64
    • Muzzle Velocity: 40 30
    • Range: 21 20
  • 3rd Gun:
    • Damage: 525 625
    • DamageRadius(AoE): 0 1.2

Tech 3 Snipers

Sprite Striker

Snipers have reduced speed and higher cost as they were too often chosen over the main T3 battle tanks.

  • Speed: 2.85 2.6
  • Mass Cost: 720 800
  • Power Cost: 8000 8900
  • Build Time: 4000 4500


Snipers have reduced speed and higher cost as they were too often chosen over the main T3 battle tanks.

  • Speed: 2.5 2.4
  • Mass Cost: 800 880
  • Power Cost: 8800 9700
  • Build Time: 4300 4900

Tech 3 Mobile Artillery

Tech 3 artillery became a strong option versus tech 3 tanks after the tech 3 land health reduction. These changes are designed to prevent them from so easily being used against massed tech 3 and tech 2. They will have a harder time retreating from armies.


  • Speed: 2.5 2.2
  • Minimum Range: 0 25
  • Unpacking Animation: 1-2s ~4s


  • Speed: 2.5 2.2
  • Minimum Range: 0 25


  • Speed: 2.5 2.2
  • Minimum Range: 0 25
  • Unpacking Animation: 1-2s ~4s
  • Damage Radius(AoE): 7 6


  • Speed: 2.5 2.2
  • Minimum Range: 0 25
  • Unpacking Animation: 1-2s ~4s
  • Damage Radius(AoE): 6 5


T2 Engineer

Higher tech engineers have greater build range to reduce pathfinding conflicts during base building.

  • MaxBuildDistance: 5 6

T3 Engineer

Higher tech engineers have greater build range to reduce pathfinding conflicts during base building.

  • MaxBuildDistance: 5 7

Land Experimentals

Galactic Colossus

Death Weapons for some experimentals are adjusted to better match the size of the units.

  • Death Weapon Damage: 7500 8000
  • Death Weapon Radius: 4 7


Death Weapons for some experimentals are adjusted to better match the size of the units.

  • Death Weapon Damage: 10000 7000
  • Death Weapon Radius: 8 6


Death Weapons for some experimentals are adjusted to better match the size of the units.

  • Death Weapon Radius: 7 6


Death Weapons for some experimentals are adjusted to better match the size of the units.

  • Death Weapon Damage: 7500 8000
  • Death Weapon Radius: 4 9


T1 Air scouts

The turn rate change in a previous patch created landing difficulties for these planes. The turn rate change is reverted and they have a reduced speed instead.

  • Turn Rate: 0.6 0.8
  • Speed: 20 19


The weapons on these gunships have a greater range of motion to bring them in line with other gunships.


The swiftwind gets a cost increase as it is a powerful fighter which can be accessed easily and spammed quite early into the game.

  • Mass Cost: 200 235
  • Power Cost: 6000 6750
  • Build Time: 1600 1800

Tech 2 Gunships


The weapons on these gunships have a greater range of motion to bring them in line with other gunships.


The Spectre now has a cannon akin to the oblivion turret or the exodus class destroyer although much weaker. This differentiates the gunship from those of the other factions and gives Aeon extra options at the T2 air stage.

  • Mass Cost: 240 270
  • Power Cost: 4800 5400
  • Build Time: 1600 1800
  • Damage: 13 78
  • Rate of fire: 1.25 0.208
  • Muzzle Velocity: 40 25
  • Damage radius: 0 2
  • Range: 22 20


The Notha is nerfed to bring it back to a similar effectiveness as before. The buffing in previous patches was unintended and severe.

  • BreakOffDistance: 1.5 5
  • BreakOffTrigger: 10 15
  • Rate of fire: 0.2 0.1

T3 Spy planes

The turn rate change in a previous patch created landing difficulties for these planes. The turn rate change is reverted and they have a reduced speed instead.

  • Turn Rate: 0.6 0.8
  • Speed: 30 27

Air Superiority Fighters

ASF are nerfed to allow for more aggressive air usage in the T3 stage. They will have a harder time catching threats presented across the map.

  • Speed: 25 22



The Czar has been due a serious buff for a while and it is finally here. The flying fortress is now equipped with a shield to allow for incursions into and retreats from enemy territory. The AA capabilities are also greatly increased.

  • Health: 58000 40000
  • Personal shield: 0 30000
  • Shield recharge time: 120
  • Shield regen rate: 180
  • Energy consumption: 0 500
  • SAM range: 64 120
  • SAM damage radius 0 2
  • SAM velocity: 50 100


Death Weapons for some experimentals are adjusted to better match the size of the units. Ahwassa also has its speed reduced because of the ASF speed nerf.

  • Speed: 20 18
  • Death Weapon Radius: 8 10

Soul Ripper

Death Weapons for some experimentals are adjusted to better match the size of the units.

  • Death Weapon Damage: 5000 7500
  • Death Weapon Radius: 4 8



T2 Air HQ

The lower cost of the T2 Air HQ compared to land and navy led to a T2 air rush being a no-brainer on 20x20 1v1 maps.

  • Mass cost: 840 920
  • Energy cost: 14400 18000
  • Build time: 1800 2000


Sera Tech 2 (Shou-esel)

  • Speed: 1 2.5
  • Speed while submerged: 0.5 1.5

T3 Sonar

T3 sonar energy maintenance is increased to reflect the effectiveness of this intel structure.

  • Energy Maintenance: 250 500
  • Energy Maintenance: 250 500
  • Energy Maintenance: 400 700


Regen Aura

The Seraphim Restoration Field upgrade is moved from the right arm to the left arm allowing for it to be used with the gun upgrade. Regen ceiling values are also adjusted slightly.

Regen Ceiling:
  • T1: 10 hp/s
  • T2: 15 hp/s
  • T3: 25 hp/s
  • T4: 40 hp/s
  • SCU: 30 hp/s
  • Upgrade position: Right arm Left arm

Advanced Regen Aura

The Seraphim Restoration Field upgrade is moved from the right arm to the left arm allowing for it to be used with the gun upgrade. Regen ceiling values are also adjusted slightly.

Regen Ceiling:
  • T1: 20 hp/s
  • T2: 50 hp/s
  • T3: 120 hp/s
  • T4: 240 hp/s
  • SCU: 140 hp/s
  • Upgrade position: Right arm Left arm

Seraphim ACU Resource Allocation System

The RAS upgrade is moved from the back to the right arm to even out the options between the three upgrade slots.

  • Upgrade position: Back Right arm