FAF Balance Testing

Date Updated: 09/07/2024

Currently No new Changes

Welcome to the FAF Balance Testing patchnotes. The changes listed here are all subject to change.

Disclaimer: Changes here may be broken or have unforeseen side effects if you encounter anything please report it to the balance team on the Game Bug Reporting Channel on the FAF Discord

All the changes that are currently listed as part of FAFDevelop allow us to evaluate the new balance in actual games. We will keep this page as up-to-date as possible and once we feel the changes are ready for the main game.

-- Balance Team




In general the Fatboy has been in an awkward position for a while now. With these changes we try to mitigate some of the perceived issues while preserving the identity of the Fatboy.

  • Shield:
    • RechargeTime: 120 75
    • RegenRate: 100 200
    • Size: 25 24
  • Anit-Air Guns
    • Range: 45 55
    • Damage: 20 40
  • Unit/Collision Size:
    • UniformScale: 2.22 2.15
    • SizeX: 5.5 5.2
    • SizeY: 1.5 1.4
    • SizeZ: 8 7.2